My name is Lukáš. And this is sports nutrition brand

It is nutrition for endurance athletes, designed to help them hydrate, refuel and recover. For most of my life, I have been an avid athlete; it started with basketball, then cycling followed and then running. I am now preparing for my first 70.3 triathlon.

I have always struggled with nutrition and tried many brands available on the market. Some didn’t do my stomach any good, some tasted strange – so most times I would drink soft drinks to get some energy while training. And so I decided to start ũnbeaten – sports nutrition for runners, trail runners, cyclists, triathletes and simply anyone who wants to be better than yesterday and űnbeaten tomorrow.

Together with researchers, we've spent the last year iterating the formulas and after nearly 100 samples tested, we've come up with a comprehensive range of 4 products that will help you at every stage of your training or during an important race. All of our products contain only the ingredients your body needs, nothing extra. And unlike other products, ũnbeaten only uses natural flavors and aromas.


We are the rocket fuel for your journey to great results. We believe in the power of small steps that lead to big achievements. Every extra kilometer, every second you beat your personal record by, every hill climbed - these are your victories and steps towards your more successful self. And we are not just here as spectators, but we want to celebrate these victories with you.

Our brand means more than just products. It's a way of thinking. It's a community that understands that waking up at five in the morning isn't madness - it's a commitment. It's the voice in your head repeating "One more mile!" every time your legs say they can't take it anymore. It's that moment when you slap your partner after a grueling group ride. It's the quiet satisfaction of being better today than you were yesterday.

Let's get further together. With each challenge, remember:

You are ünbeaten - undefeated - and every day is a chance to be better than yesterday.

  • No unnecessary additives

    Our products contain only the substances your body needs during training or recovery and do not unnecessarily burden your body.

  • A taste you'll love

    We use only natural flavors that provide an excellent and delicious taste without artificial additives.

  • Optimized for peak performance

    Designed to enhance your endurance and recovery, our products help you perform at your best. Achieve your fitness goals with nutrition that works as hard as you do.

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