
  • Cluster-Dextrin™: co to je a proč to je dobrý?

    Cluster-Dextrin™: what is it, and why is it good?

    Cluster-dextrin is a highly branched cyclic dextrin, a super carbohydrate with high density and low osmolality. But what does that mean for endurance athletes?
  • L’Etape Czech republic 2024, Horská etapa

    L’Etape Czech republic 2024, Mountain stage

    In the Insider Cycling team, we are aiming for 2 peaks all season long, and those were the Czech races L'Etape. The boys also went on the Prague one, I decided to go with him on the mountain one in Prachatice. After I experienced covid 4 weeks ago, it was clear that rather than a race, it would be a race with myself.

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