
  • Mallorca guide 2025

    Mallorca guide 2025

    Jak naplánovat Mallorcu dle našeho zakladatele

  • Hypotonická dehydratace: Jak se správně hydratovat (nejen) ve fitku i v kanceláři

    Hypotonic dehydration: How to hydrate correctly (not only) in the gym and in the office

    Hydration is about balance, not volume. If you take it seriously, you'll see it in your performance, concentration, and overall sense of well-being—and that's worth it!

  • Cluster-Dextrin™: co to je a proč to je dobrý?

    Cluster-Dextrin™: what is it, and why is it good?

    Cluster-dextrin is a highly branched cyclic dextrin, a super carbohydrate with high density and low osmolality. But what does that mean for endurance athletes?
  • L’Etape Czech republic 2024, Horská etapa

    L’Etape Czech republic 2024, Mountain stage

    In the Insider Cycling team, we are aiming for 2 peaks all season long, and those were the Czech races L'Etape. The boys also went on the Prague one, I decided to go with him on the mountain one in Prachatice. After I experienced covid 4 weeks ago, it was clear that rather than a race, it would be a race with myself.

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